Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Making the Deadline

I have the Mt. Mitchell Crafts Fair coming up next weekend, and by planning summer fun into last weekend and this coming one, I have managed to make it difficult to get everything fired. My sister and niece who visit this weekend might get the rare opportunity to sit around with me all day while I fire a cone 10 load. I don't do this with just anyone.
Meanwhile, I am very excited to have been chosen by Tracey's daughter Wes to continue the Generosity Chain. Tracey got the idea from Barbara Chadwick's post. I'm so excited! And when the dust settles around here, I'll post the idea here on my blog.

Inspired by the kids and another Tracey post, I decided to clean up my wheel. Seems like such a waste considering I have to throw some bowls today. I got a visit from some folks who picked up a few the bowls I donated for an Empty Bowls fundraiser last winter. They love them and want me to make them some more. Thankfully, they brought one by so I have a prototype. I hope I can make them the same.

As the kids and I were cleaning, we were deciding what to do with the bucket of river rocks we found. I hauled some upstairs and out before realizing I might be able to put them to some use. Every so often, I'll have the slab bottom of a basket or wine coaster buckle and warp upwards a little. Using some thin foam, I piled rocks inside to add a little weight and keep the bottom flat. I'm not sure how well this will work, but it beats hauling them up the stairs.

1 comment:

  1. It seems like we are all glazing like crazy & firing up to the last minute! Whew -- hope it's a good kiln load for you!
    I took a workshop & the person was making altered 'boats' & he used rocks to weigh down his pieces too -- worked like a charm for him.
    I clean my wheel every evening -- just like starting in the mornings on a clean wheel. Nuts, huh.
